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TTM RPL for Cat 1 and 2 roads

Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) CAT 1 and 2 roads RPL Traffic Controller 1-2 and Implementer 1-2

30 hr
1,260 Australian dollars
20 Oborn

Service Description

Prerequisite RPL (Recognition of prior learning) The recognition of prior learning program (RPL) that Austroads have developed will allow current workers achieve the new TTM (Temporary traffic management) qualification without the need to complete the full training programs. This transition is only for 18 months (August 2025) or until your current card expires. The program could take up to 2 months to complete depending on your current work duties. Course Description CAT 1 comprises TC1(Traffic Controller) and TMI1 (Traffic Management Implementer) for low speed, urban and rural roads with 7 competencies. CAT 2 comprises TC2 and TMI2 for high volume roads with 3 competencies. There are 10 units of competency in the CAT1 and CAT2 skilsets requiring statements of attainment. Carlisle Learning have considered a gap training program to meet any short fall of your current training history. An individual RPL assessment will be carried out prior to the program. Overview of process (CAT1 and CAT2): · 2-day gap training program and review individual RPL needs · Supply of supporting documentation and validation from workplace. · Onsite assessment and validation by Approved Training Provider assessor. CAT1 Per person Individual fees total $830. Payable on enrollment $600, assessment fee $230. CAT2 Per person Individual fees total $430. Payable on enrollment $300, assessment fee $130. Business Corporate Rate will apply for a group booking CITB funding may be available. Assessment Requirement Completed the theory component Completes the evidence for RPL assessment. The student requires a placement with an approved traffic management company to achieve the practical outcomes. On Completion the Student will obtain a statement of Attainment CAT1 roads; RIICOM201E – Communicate in the workplace · RIIWHS205E_Control Traffic with Stop/Slow Bat RIIWHS206_Control traffic with portable traffic control devices and temporary traffic signs · RIIRIS301E – Apply risk management processes · · RIIWHS302E – Implement traffic management plans · · RIIWHS303 – Position, set up and program portable traffic control devices CAT2 roads; · RIIWHS207 – Control traffic on high volume roads · RIIWHS304 – Implement Traffic Management Plans on High Volume Roads RIIBEF301D_Run on site operations When the above is completed, a statement of attainment and temporary card will be provided to be eligible for the SA Department of Infrastructure and Transport card issue.

Cancellation Policy

Please contact the office on 08 8391 5912 during business hours, or email with any booking change requests. A fee may apply.

Contact Details

(08) 8398 5468

Office and Training Centre 20 Oborn Road, Mount Barker SA, Australia

© Copyright Carlisle Learning 2018

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